Jonah Gershon Scholarship Success Story

Max Cares Foundation scholarship recipient Jonah Gershon competing on Food Network’s The Christmas Cookie Challenge.
Jonah Gershon has amassed some impressive accomplishments since receiving his Max Cares Foundation scholarship. We caught up with him to see what led him to pursue a Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts career, his future plans, and what his Max Cares scholarship meant to him.
Where did you grow up and how did you develop your interest in hospitality?
I grew up in West Hartford, CT. When I was young, I was a bit chubbier and always loved food. Whenever we went out to eat, I’d ask my mom for the adult menu because I wanted more than just mac and cheese or chicken fingers. I was also really into being creative and artistic, so I think my path into hospitality came through the culinary arts. It was the perfect mix of my love for food and my creative side. To this day, I am constantly thinking about food and my next meal — even while doing this interview!
You just completed your degree in Hotel Administration. What inspired you to pursue this degree and where did you study?
Back in high school, I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do. Honestly, I still don’t fully know! I excelled in math and science, but didn’t see myself becoming an engineer or doctor. I always dreamed of running my own business, so a business degree seemed like a good starting point. However, a lot of traditional business programs felt a bit boring with a focus on finance and accounting. Then I came across Cornell’s Hotel School, which seemed way more exciting and hands-on, blending business strategy with courses in restaurant management and hotel operations. It felt like a great fit for me and, now being done, I wouldn’t want to change it. To keep up with my interest in math and science I also decided to minor in computer science which I knew would be valuable somehow in the future.
You have had some terrific recent achievements in the Culinary Arts, which is surprising considering the degree you pursued. How did you land on a spot on the Food Network’s Christmas Cookie Challenge?
I’m passionate about learning, and, when I love something, I dive deep into it. I never felt I needed a degree from culinary school to learn about food; everything was right in front of me, on YouTube, in cookbooks, and through trial and error in the kitchen. Food was always a big part of my life, and I spent a lot of time experimenting with recipes and techniques at home. I had a food Instagram account, @jonahgershon, where I shared my creations. The Food Network found me through that account and reached out. Even though I hadn’t decorated cookies before, they liked my other work and thought I might be good at it. I spent a week practicing cookie decorating just to send them pictures. This whole process actually happened twice—once in 2020 and again in 2022. I didn’t make it past the interview the first time, but the second time I made it onto The Christmas Cookie Challenge.
What did you bake and how did you do on the show?
On the show, we had to make four decorated cookies with a “Naughty and Nice” Christmas theme. I made Mexican hot chocolate sugar cookies that tasted just like the drink—rich chocolate with a bit of cinnamon and cayenne. For the “naughty” cookies, I decorated Santa on a beach with a margarita watching his presents wash away. The “nice” cookies featured a baby version of me holding a 3D snow globe made of isomalt that said inside “Peace on Earth.” It was a unique experience since I’m Jewish and have never celebrated Christmas. Despite the judges loving the taste of my cookies, my piping skills definitely lacked a little when compared to the other four contestants, who were extremely talented and full-time cookie decorators.
You also have been branching out as an entrepreneur. Tell us about “spekld” and where you are in your effort to bring it to market.
My idea for spekld actually spun out of my time on Food Network. I wanted to use brown butter in my cookies because of the amazing nutty and toffee flavors it is known for. Due to the time constraints of the competition, making brown butter would take precious time away from decorating. That’s when the idea popped into my head, why isn’t there just pre-made brown butter I could take out of the fridge. At first, I thought it was kind of a stupid idea but as I spoke to more and more home cooks and chefs, I realized most people find it a hassle to make brown butter. Over the past two years while at Cornell I worked on developing the idea, entering pitch and business plan competitions, and raised over $85,000. During this time, I worked closely with Cornell’s food pilot production plant in Geneva, New York where we did four pilot runs to learn about the scalability of the product. Currently I am still in the process of figuring out the scaled production, but I’m excited hopefully to hold some small pop-ups and maybe get into some local stores and restaurants.
You have a degree in Hotel Administration, a passion for baking, and an entrepreneurial endeavor. Will you try to blend these careers? What’s next for you?
My goal is to find a way to combine all of these disciplines. I love working in the fast-paced environments of startups. I would love to find a role where I can apply my business and hospitality background but still be creative and dynamic in an entrepreneurial way. But, for now, I am still figuring out what’s next for me.
You received a Hospitality and Culinary Arts Scholarship from Max Cares Foundation. How did that help you on your journey?
The scholarship was really meaningful; It helped reinforce the importance of the hospitality industry and justify that it’s an important industry to study. The scholarship went straight towards my tuition, for which I am extremely grateful.